Fortune Wish Yantra

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Fortune Wish Pyramid is an amazing tool to make your dreams come true with your own psychic power. It is discovered as a source of spiritual energy. It also helps to harmonize your relations with your dear ones and to make your surroundings happy, lively and vibrant. Fortune Wish Pyramid is easy to use. Wish Pyramid Yantra is very effective, and sPimple to operate.

Fortune Wish Pyramid is an innovatively designed instrument aids to fulfil your reasonable wishes and also helps to normalise your bitter relationships with others.Itcomprisesofpowerful copper plate with innovative chips&copper dome. This innovative pyramid is made of neutron material; it islifelong and neutron material.

Due to the cone shape and accurate angle, Fortune Wish Pyramid easily absorbs the highest celestial cosmic energy inside them. The space inside pyramids rises and vibrates the bio-cosmic energy and the electromagnetic energy power with other forms of energies present inside.Fortune Wish PyramidYantrais a perfect way to make your dreams come true.

How to use:

  • Write your desire with red pen on a 70×70 mm triangle white paper. To get best result, begin with the name of God. Make a genuine wish which is acceptable to your integrity.
  • After writing wish simply fold down the triangular paper into two folds and put it under the copper dome and press it firmly.
  • Activateit with full concentration and mediation. Sit quietly in a quiet place, preferably Northeast side of, room, office or business place. Holdthe instrument in the left hand and then place your right hand on it with a peaceful mind.
  • Try to repeat your request for three minutes.
  • Put the innovative pyramid in a personal place. (Northeast side).
  • You have to practise this process twice daily until you get your wish fulfilled.

For strengthening your wishes for Harmony, Affection, Spirituality, Pleasure, Happiness, Fame and Prosperity, you can also sit in the Eastern direction. You can also sit by facing West for Personal relations and Health and sit North for Money, Property, Jewels, Power, business, facility and comfort. You can also sit south for protection from opponents and anti-parties from their offences.